Republican State Senator Clyde Chambliss Calls For Will Dismukes To Resign

Republican State Senator Clyde Chambliss (R-Prattville) has called for the resignation of State Representative Will Dismukes (R-Millbrook) after Dismukes appeared at a celebration for Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first Grand Wizard of the KKK, a Confederate general and who was responsible for a role in the massacre of over 300 black soldiers at Fort Pillow.
In his Facebook post Chambliss said, “Since first being elected in 1996, I’ve had a policy of not publicly criticizing other elected officials, but at this time I am making an exception since Rep. Dismukes is MY state representative. He does not represent my views or the views of the vast majority of people of District 88. The post is bad enough, the timing is even worse, but the real problem is that an elected official in 2020 would attend a celebration of the life of someone that led a group that terrorized and killed other human beings. He has had 24 hours to understand why people are so upset, but his interview on WSFA a few moments ago confirms that he is lacking in understanding and judgement – he should resign immediately.”
In a tweet that has now been deleted, state Rep. Danny Garrett (R-Trussville) appeared to support Chambliss saying, “Wow. Go Clyde..Go Clyde”

In an interview with WSFA, Dismukes seemed surprised at the backlash of his appearance at the event honoring a former KKK Grand Wizard saying, “It’s like a just a huge public event where people come and eat and all that. It is centered around, you know, Nathan Bedford Forrest’s birthday, it is what it is.”
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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