Richard Shelby Comes Out In Support Of Justice Act Police Reform Bill

Today Senator Richard Shelby tweeted his support of the Justice Act, a bill that Senate Republicans are pushing as their solution to police reform in America.
Shelby, a cosponsor tweeted, “Proud to be a cosponsor of @SenatorTimScott’s #JUSTICEAct – which focuses on police reform, accountability, and transparency. This bill highlights issues facing our nation that must be addressed. All Americans should have trust and confidence in our justice system.
Shelby says, “This bill will help police departments across our nation to implement practical reforms such as banning chokeholds, training officers on de-escalation practices, requiring body-worn cameras, and sharing officer disciplinary records.”
The Justice Act includes incentives for police departments to ban chokeholds, more disclosure requirements about the use of force and no-knock warrants, and penalties for false reports. It also includes emergency grant programs for body cameras, makes lynching a federal hate crime and creates a commission to study the conditions facing black men and boys.
The bill is the product of work done by Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), the only black Republican in the Senate.
You can read the bill below.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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