Marshall Space Flight Employee Positive For Coronavirus

A NASA Marshall Space Flight employee in Huntsville, AL, located in Madison County, has tested positive for the Coronavirus according to an email sent out from the Center Director, Jody Singer.
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center is moving into Stage 3 of our agency response framework, with MANDATORY telework effective immediately and until further notice.
On the evening of Friday, March 13, we received confirmation that one of our employees tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). Contact tracing will begin immediately in order to identify and notify individuals who may have had significant contact with that employee.
Access to the center will be restricted to mission-essential personnel only, as defined in the response framework. More guidance will follow for those who do not have equipment to work from home or who work in labs or other facilities requiring similar technical equipment that is a fixed asset.
The status of the center will be updated regularly and communicated to all employees. Please stay in close contact with your supervisor. I, along with my center leadership team and agency leaders, greatly appreciate your understanding, patience, and support through this challenging period of time.
Jody Singer
Center Director
Six People Confirmed In Alabama
As of Friday, six people have been confirmed in the state as being positive for the Coronavirus according to Alabama Public Health. This includes one person who tested positive in Limestone County where many live and travel to Huntsville for work. There is no information right now if the Limestone County case is related to the employee at Marshall Spaceflight Center.
This article will be updated as more information becomes available.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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