Doug Jones Reacts To Nathaniel Woods Execution Case

On Thursday night, Nathaniel Woods was executed for his role in the fatal shootings of three Birmingham police officers back in 2004. Erik Ortiz of NBC news reports that Woods “was pronounced dead at 9:01 p.m. by lethal injection, the Alabama Department of Corrections said. He had no last words but appeared to arrange his hands in a sign of his Islamic faith, according to the Associated Press.
Hours before his execution, Senator Doug Jones released a statement requesting a delay in the execution until all of the facts were adequately reviewed. The Supreme Court was initially going to step in for a last-minute review of the case before Woods’ execution, but they ultimately declined to intervene and Governor Kay Ivey allowed the execution to proceed.
In his statement, Jones said, “Late this afternoon, I reached out to Governor Ivey’s office and expressed my concerns about the Nathaniel Woods case to her Chief of Staff. I think everyone knows my background and that I believe strongly injustice. Given the questions and mitigating issues involved in this case–and the finality of a death sentence–a delay is warranted to provide time for a thorough review of all the facts and circumstances to truly ensure that justice is done.”
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