Geraldine Assitant Police Chief Fired for Facebook Post Implying Democrats Should Be Bombed

On Tuesday, the Town Council of Geraldine, a tiny town about 50 miles southeast of Huntsville in southern DeKalb County, voted 5-1 to fire Jeff Buckles, the assistant police chief of the town. Buckles made a controversial post on Facebook in which he said, “Pelosi just ripped up his speech. Road side bomb on her way home and any other Dumbocrats.” Buckles made the post on the night of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union.
Buckles later apologized in a separate post on Facebook. “I want to apologize for venting on FB,” Buckles wrote. “I have definitely offended some people with my remarks. It just rips my heart out that our great country is so divided.”
Buckles was put on paid leave soon after the comments were brought to light and an investigation followed. The investigation led to a vote by the Council to remove him.
Chuck Ables, the mayor of Geraldine and one of the Town Council members who voted to fire Buckles stated, “He made a mistake that he regrets, but mistakes have consequences,”
“I intend to remain friends with officer Buckles and I am willing to help him any way I can. This is an unfortunate situation with an unpleasant result and now it is time to move on.”
“It is important to me that people understand that Jeff Buckles is not a terrorist,” Ables said in a statement to “He made a statement that can easily be considered a threat and that statement violated the policies we have in place for police officers.
“I believe police officers and elected officials should be held to a higher standard and we do that and will continue to do that,” the mayor’s statement continues. “We have good officers and will continue to enforce the law unbiased and fairly.”
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