Arnold Mooney Racks Up Endorsements From 10 State Legislators

Businessman Arnold Mooney is arguably an overlooked conservative choice for Alabama GOP voters according to the latest polling data, but that hasn’t stopped him from receiving endorsements from 10 Alabama state legislators and some prominent national conservative figures.
Mooney received endorsements from the following legislators:
- Rep. Andrew Sorrell (R-Muscle Shoals)
- Rep. Danny Crawford (R-Athens)
- Rep. Ritchie Whorton (R-Owens Cross Roads)
- Rep. Tommy Hanes (R-Bryant)
- Rep. Mike Holmes (R-Wetumpka)
- Rep. Rich Wingo (R-Tuscaloosa)
- Rep. Will Dismukes (R-Prattville)
- Sen. Larry Stutts (R-Florence)
- Sen. Dan Roberts (R-Birmingham)
- Sen. Will Barfoot (R-Pike Road)
In a statement, Senator Dan Roberts said, “Arnold Mooney is a true conservative and has the record to prove it. Over the years, I have witnessed Arnold stand up to the establishment in Montgomery, fight for the life of the unborn, and ensure that the voice of the people he represents are heard. Arnold is a family man, a true conservative, and a strong Christian. Alabama needs him in Washington.”
Rep. Andrew Sorrell said, “Representative Arnold Mooney is a tremendous friend and colleague who is well suited and very capable of representing Alabama as a United States Senator. He is the true conservative in the race and has the record to prove it,”
Mooney has also been endorsed by prominent national conservative figures like Senators’ Rand Paul (R-KY) and Mike Lee (R-UT), radio host Mark Levin, Alabama’s own Rep. Mo Brooks (AL-05), and Eunie Smith, the President of the conservative Eagle Forum that has a huge presence in Alabama.
The AL GOP primary will be held on March 3.
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