President Trump Endorses Mo Brooks’ Primary Bid

Conservative Congressman Mo Brooks, who represents Alabama’s 5th Congressional District is making his sixth reelection bid this year and he just picked up what could be seen as his biggest endorsement. On Friday, President Donald Trump tweeted, “He [Mo] is a huge supporter of the #MAGA Agenda. Mo fully supports Securing our Border w/the WALL, he Loves our Military & Vets, & is Strong on the #2A. Mo has my Complete Endorsement!”
Brooks faces a primary challenge from retired Navy Commander Chris Lewis, but Brooks has fended off every primary challenger in the past.
In an interview with after receiving the President’s endorsement, Brooks stated, “Amongst Republicans in Alabama, Donald Trump has about an 87 percent favorable rating – one of the highest in the country,”
“And an endorsement from someone that well liked amongst a Republican primary voter pool is huge.”
“No one argues that it’s fake when it comes from the president’s Twitter account,” Brooks said of the President’s endorsement.
Brooks also didn’t anticipate the President’s endorsement. “I did not know it would happen until it happened,” he said.
“I had gotten a heads up that it might happen. But I know, like a lot of other people do, that nothing is for sure until it’s in the past.”
Brooks has voted with President Trump nearly 90% of the time and his stances on immigration have earned him the No. 1 rating in Congress from Numbers USA for border protection.
“I have been one of the strongest supporters of border security in the United States congress, ranked No. 1 out of 435 congressman by NumbersUSA,” Brooks said.
“And that is a very important issue for President Trump.”
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