Doug Jones Votes In Favor of War Powers Resolution

On Thursday, Alabama’s Democratic Senator Doug Jones voted in favor of a bipartisan resolution that would require President Trump to seek Congressional approval before taking further action against Iran. This resolution was seen as a move to restrain the President’s powers after he ordered the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani without Congressional approval.
In a statement, Senator Jones said, “Before a President can lead us into war, he or she must first earn the support of the American people and also fulfill their solemn constitutional obligation to seek approval from Congress,”
“While the President has the power to protect Americans in the case of an imminent attack, that authority does not extend to committing our service members to long-term hostilities unilaterally. This resolution sends a strong message that we will follow the Constitution and we will not send our troops into harm’s way without the serious consideration and consent of the Congress.”
The resolution passed 55-45 in the Senate with eight Republicans joining all Senate Democrats. The eight Republicans who broke with their party were Senator’s Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Susan Collins of Maine, Todd Young of Indiana, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana.
The resolution is expected to be vetoed by President Trump who tweeted, “We are doing very well with Iran and this is not the time to show weakness,” in an attempt to rally Republican opposition to the resolution.
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