Doug Jones Will Vote “Yea” on Both Articles of Impeachment

In an email to his supporters, Democratic Senator Doug Jones announced that he will vote “Yea” on both articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. The first article alleges that the President abused the power of his office and the second article alleges that he obstructed Congress.
“On the day I was sworn in as a United States Senator, I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Just last month, at the beginning of the impeachment trial, I took a second oath to do “impartial justice” according to the same Constitution I swore to protect,” Jones wrote.
“In keeping with my oaths, I have been studying the facts of this case exhaustively. I have read thousands of pages of transcripts, taken copious notes, reviewed history and precedents and discussed this case with colleagues, staff, and constituents,” he continued.
“I have concluded that the evidence is more than sufficient to convict the President for both abuses of power and obstruction of Congress.”
Alabama’s senior Senator, Republican Richard Shelby has said that he will vote “Nay” on both articles of impeachment.
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