Rep. Matt Fridy Releases First Ad For AL Court of Civil Appeals Campaign

In his first ad titled, “Home,” GOP candidate, Rep. Matt Fridy strikes a comedic tone with his wife serving as his head cheerleader. Her first words are, “The law means a lot to Matt and sometimes he brings the law home with him,” as the ad cuts to a scene where Fridy reads a section from the “Alabama Residential, Commerical, and Mineral Law,” to his kids as a bedtime story.
“I mean he has dedicated his whole life to it,” his wife continues as he recites parts of the law do his family dog.
“He knows the law better than anyone I know and that is why he is the best candidate for the court,” his wife exclaims.
But her core reason for why AL GOP voters should choose Fridy is so she can “get him out of the house,” due to his constant professor-like lectures about the law that he delivers at home.
I found the ad to be quite funny and as a lover of all things that project positive energy, I recommend that you view it.
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