Bradley Byrne’s Latest Campaign Tactic: It’s Us vs Them

Republican primary voters in Alabama will head to the ballot box in 45 days to decide who they will select to take on Democratic incumbent, Doug Jones. While former Attorney General, Jeff Sessions is still the front-runner according to the latest polling, Congressman Bradley Byrne isn’t giving up. At the “INFORMED and INVOLVED Candidates Forum” hosted by the Grand Farms Subdivision Action Group, Byrne took what could only be described as a fire and brimstone strategy against Democrats, depicting the current political battle in us vs them terms. Byrne pitched himself as the Christian crusader who will stand up for Alabama values, religious freedom, and the 2nd amendment.
“This attack on President Trump is an attack on you and me,” he said. “Let’s make that clear. They don’t believe what you and I believe. It’s a fundamental breakdown in values. Policies are one thing. It’s the values that are at issue here. They don’t believe in God. That is at the root of the founding of the United States of America. They want to take God out of our life. They don’t want you and I to freely exercise our religion. We have to be willing to fight back against that. They don’t believe what the Constitution says what it says and nothing else. They keep adding things to it.”
“The Second Amendment says what it says what it says, right? You have the right to bear arms, period, right? They want to take that right away from us. We have to fight against that. They want to take our right to freely exercise our religion in our everyday life. They want to say you can do whatever you want to in that church building over there. But when you walk outside of it, you can’t act out your faith. We have to stand up and fight against that. They have crazy ideas about what the federal government should do. When you take God out of the center of everything, you put government in the center of everything.”
He also took aim at Senator Jones and one of his primary opponents, former Auburn football coach, Tommy Tuberville.
“I look at our United States Senator who is up this year in Doug Jones,” Byrne said. “He does not believe what you and I believe and is sure not going to fight for it. I want a senator who will go up to Washington believing what you and I believe, understanding the issues and will fight for them, who will wake up every day saying I’m the Senator from and for the state of Alabama. I didn’t just show up here yesterday. My family has been here for six generations. I didn’t move here from Florida three months ago, get a driver’s license and say, ‘I want to be your senator.’ We need people who understand who we are, who care about who we are and will fight for the stuff we believe in. I’m that fighter.”
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