Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama to Fund $250,000 of Grants for Healthy School Initiatives

In a Monday press release, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama announced that they will be creating a pool of $250,000 to fund school initiatives that promote increased exercise in students and help children learn healthy nutritional habits.
BCBS can award up to $10,000 to schools across the state with students ranging from kindergarten through the sixth grade.
This will be the eighth year of action for BCBS’ “Be Healthy School Grant Program.” According to the press release, BCBS has given out 200 grants since the program’s inception, totaling more than $1.8 million. The company claims the grants have impacted over 96,000 students during the life of the program.
“We are seeing the positive results of healthy lifestyle initiatives being implemented in our schools by students and faculty. The ongoing success of the Be Healthy School Grant Program validates the investment we are making in the long-term health of Alabama’s children,” says Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama Community Relations Manager Jeff Adams.
Schools can apply for one of the grants anywhere between the dates of Monday, January 6 to Friday, March 27. The link to apply is here.
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