Mobile Artist Auctions Off Painting In Response To “Homeless Quilt” Police Photo

Local artist Abraham Partridge from Mobile, AL is going viral after he created a painting and posted it to Facebook to raise funds for a homeless shelter. The painting was inspired by two Mobile police officers, Preston McGraw and Alexandre Olivier, who ridiculed homeless people they had arrested on social media by creating a cardboard “homeless quilt.”
The painting depicts the two officers holding the “homeless quilt” and has “HOPE YOU ENJOY OUR HOMELESS QUILT” at the top. The two officers also have the word “SHAME” next to each of their heads.
Partridge explained the reasoning for creating the painting saying, “A couple of local cops decided to make our community look very ugly by making what they called a “homeless quilt” out of signs of human desperation which they stole from homeless people. Then were pathetic enough to boast of their heartlessness on social media for the world to see in a posting that said: “I hope you enjoy our homeless quilt”. It was horrible and ugly and I couldn’t resist painting it.”
Partridge went on to say he has never been homeless “but I have been poor- just a broken leg or a car accident from not being able to afford housing. I can but only imagine the horrors that these people face.”
He ends the post by letting people know, “Oh and one more thing, this is not an anti police post or a political post for that matter. This is a decency post.”
If you are interested in bidding on the original painting check out his Facebook post.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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