13 Alabama Housing Authorities Receive $1.4 Million in HUD Grants

As a result of a $79 million dollar grant effort by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 13 housing authorities in Alabama will receive $1.4 million dollars to help their residents improve their education and job skills and increase their income with new jobs or promotions.
These grants will help public housing agencies work with social service agencies, community colleges, businesses, and other partners to strive toward this effort. They are funded through HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program and are intended to help residents of public housing and voucher-assisted housing rely less on public assistance and subsidies.
“Helping people find jobs that will put them on the path to self-sufficiency is at the core of HUD’s mission,” HUD Secretary Ben Carson said.
“HUD is committed to working with our local partners to connect families with the opportunities and support they need to succeed at every level.”
The 13 Alabama recipients include the Huntsville Housing Authority with $268,000, the Mobile Housing Board with $221,000, the Birmingham District with $144,000, the Jefferson County Housing Authority with $140,000, the Tuscaloosa Housing Authority with $135,000, and the Montgomery Housing Authority with $110,000.
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