Geneva County Commissioner, Weston Spivey Endorses Bradley Byrne for U.S. Senate

On Monday, Geneva County Commissioner, Weston Spivey wrote an article for Yellowhammer News in which he gave an endorsement to Congressman Bradley Byrne in the 2020 Republican Senate primary. Spivey wrote, “We need a fighter who will go up to Washington, support President Trump’s agenda, stand up to the socialist Democrats and not give up to the special interests. When I look at the field of candidates running in the Republican primary, the obvious choice is Bradley Byrne.”
“As you see today in Washington, the Democrats and Doug Jones are not representing the values of people like you and me. We need to reestablish conservative values in Washington, and we do that by electing people who embody the values we believe in. And I firmly believe that Bradley Byrne is the man for the job.”
“We can trust Bradley to be our conservative fighter just like he has fought tooth and nail for President Trump in the middle of this impeachment sham. Bradley rightly called for an investigation into the Bidens, stormed Adam Schiff’s secret hearing room, and has been vehemently opposed to impeaching our president since day one of this unjust impeachment inquiry. “
“This is why I am endorsing my friend, Bradley Byrne. He has spent a lot of his time traveling with me throughout my rural district in Geneva County. Bradley was born and raised in Alabama, and he understands the issues important to our state. He is a friend to the farmers, he supports investing in our state’s infrastructure, he is 100% pro-life and he has fought hard to bring more good-paying jobs to our state.”
“He has a 97% voting record in support for President Trump’s policy agenda. Bradley Byrne is the Christian conservative Alabama needs in the United States Senate, and I would encourage you to join me in voting for him in the Republican Primary on March 3.”
According to the latest polling, Jeff Sessions is the front-runner with 44% support, Tommy Tuberville is in 2nd place with 21%, and Bradley Byrne is in 3rd place with 14%.
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