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Alabama Democratic Party Chair Chris England Responds To Trump Impeachment

Written by on December 19, 2019

The new party chair of the Alabama Democratic Party Chris England has weighed in on the impeachment of Donald Trump, saying that he prays that all leaders will approach this moment with dignity and clear eyes.

“Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives took the historic step of approving articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump”, Chris England said. “No legislator envies their position. As a member of the Alabama House Judiciary Committee, I had to take a similarly solemn measure during the impeachment of former Governor Robert Bentley. I pray all our leaders will approach this history moment with dignity and clear eyes.”

“No citizen should be numbed to alleged corruption inside our government, which violates their trust. As officeholders, we owe a special duty to guard that public trust. We swear oaths of loyalty to place the Constitution and laws above our own interests, especially when our personal interests could be enriched by putting ourselves first. I hope the U.S. Senate will fully examine the facts, call witnesses, and ensure a fair process for both the President and those who voted to impeach him. The American people need to know the truth. Once the true facts are known, Senators should vote their conscience. Their oath demands nothing less.”


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