Senator Richard Shelby Awarded the UAB President’s Medal

The UAB President’s Medal, first awarded in 1985, recognizes individuals who have attained scholarly distinction and/or have rendered distinguished service to the university. This year it was awarded to Alabama’s senior U.S. Senator, Richard Shelby. He was selected for this tremendous honor by Dr. Ray Watts, the president of UAB. Being selected as the recipient of the medal is one of the highest honors bestowed by the institution.
Senator Shelby tweeted, “Humbled to receive the UAB President’s Medal at today’s commencement ceremony. It is an honor to represent such a distinguished institution and join the list of renowned recipients awarded in years prior. I am proud to continue supporting medical research & programs at @UABNEWS.”
Shelby is the state’s longest-serving senator in history and has been dubbed “Alabama’s education senator.”
University of Alabama System Chancellor Finis St. John has profusely praised Shelby, who is a 1957 graduate of the University of Alabama.
“Senator Richard Shelby is a great Alabamian,” St. John said. “His support for education, scientific research, health care, and economic development has changed Alabama’s image and influence around the world and improved countless lives.”
“We are fortunate that Senator Shelby chose a career of public service…” St. John added.
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