Kay Ivey Announces More Than $30 Million For 28 Road & Bridge Projects Across The State

Governor Kay Ivey and Alabama Department of Transportation has announced that more than $30 million in funding is being awarded to cities and counties for various road and bridge projects.
The funding is made available through the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program-II (ATRIP-II), a new program created under the Rebuild Alabama Act. The Rebuild Alabama Act requires ATRIP-II to be an annual program setting aside a minimum of $30 million off the top of ALDOT’s share of new gas tax revenue for projects of local interest on the state highway system.
“An investment in our roads and bridges is an investment in the future of Alabama,” Governor Ivey said. “I am proud to see projects resulting from the Rebuild Alabama Act already getting off the ground. Soon, every Alabama citizen will feel the benefits of this additional investment in our infrastructure.”
There were 28 projects selected for funding for a total of $30.13 million from ALDOT. Half of the successful applications from cities and counties put forward local funds, for a total of approximately $9.5 million. However, matching funds was not a requirement to be eligible.
The projects were selected by the ATRIP-II Committee created by the Rebuild Alabama Act. It is anticipated that all projects will be under contract during the 2020 fiscal year after bids are taken. Projects are required to move forward within two years of the awarding of funds.
View the projects below.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of BamaPolitics.com.
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