Update: Three Carbon Hill City Council Members Have Formally Asked For Mark Chambers Resignation

Carbon Hill Mayor Mark Chambers, who made international news for comments about “killing off” gay and transgender people, says that he has no plan to resign his position.
He told that to MountainEagle.com during an interview on Tuesday. However, he did issue an apology on Facebook before deleting his account. The Mountain Eagle managed to capture a screenshot of the apology before it disappeared.
I would like to make a public apology to my community. I and I alone am responsible for the comment that was made. It is not a reflection of the Carbon Hill City Council, or any City Personnel or Citizens.
Although I believe my comment was taken out of context and was not targeting the LGBTQ community, I know that it was wrong to say anyone should be kill[ed]. I am truly sorry that I have embarrassed our City. I love this City and while in office I have done everything in my power to make this a better place for our families.
There are not enough words for me to express how much [I] regret posting that comment. I hope very much our Citizens and anyone that was hurt by this comment can accept my apology.
The Mountain Eagle also says that three Carbon Hill City Council members submitted a signed letter asking for Chambers to resign. The signatures appear to be those of Greg Anderson, McClain Burrough, and April Herron.
Carbon Hill is a town of just under 2,000 people located in Walker County. Mark Chambers has been serving as Mayor since 2014.
Update: Chambers has told City Council members that he would resign if needed, according to Vice.
“He’s apologized profusely and said he was sorry, and he would do whatever it takes, even if it meant stepping down,” Council Member Reverend Clarence Colbert told WBRC. “I told him, ‘Please don’t step down,’ because his leadership has brought the city as far as it has.”
Update: McClain Burrough has released a statement on his Facebook page condemning the comments of Chambers and calling on his resignation.
As [a] citizen and life-long member of the Carbon Hill community, I am deeply saddened and appalled by the recent statements by Mayor Chambers. I join many in condemning such hateful and reckless comments that bring pain, division, hurt, and anger. The comments made by Mayor Chambers do not reflect the values of our city, its government, or its residents as a whole. We are a close-knit and loving community. As a council member, I call on residents to be reminded of our mutual love and respect for our fellow man. I personally never want to be a part of something, like the recent comments, that facilitates hatred or discrimination against anyone. I believe that love and respect for one another is the only thing that can transpire into good.
As a council member, I feel it is my responsibility to be transparent with and represent the people of Carbon Hill. As a council, we have reached out to the Alabama League of Municipalities’ attorney to seek guidance. They advised us that our only option was to ask for the mayor’s resignation. A document calling for the mayor’s resignation was presented to and signed by three council members, including myself. One council member was absent, and one council member did not sign. The signed documents calling for the mayor’s resignation by the City Council was delivered to the mayor on June 4, 2019.
I believe in the people of Carbon Hill. I believe in their goodness and their ability to move forward in love. My prayer is for healing for those who have been hurt. It is my conviction that hatred, division, discrimination, and the like, have no place in our hearts and in our homes. Better days are ahead for the City of Carbon Hill.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of BamaPolitics.com.
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