Alabama Bill Requiring A Child To Complete Kindergarten Passes House

A bill that would require a child to complete kindergarten before moving on to the first grade passed the House yesterday.
Currently, in Alabama, a child is eligible to move on to the first grade simply based on age. The law states that a child who is six years of age on or before December 31 is entitled to admission to the first grade in the public elementary schools.
HB 423, sponsored by Pebblin Warren (D-Tuskegee), would require that a child successfully complete public or nonpublic kindergarten before being admitted to the first grade in the public elementary schools of the state
The bill would also change the date for determining the age of a child entitled to admission to public school kindergarten from September 1 to December 31
The bill passed with 11 legislators voting against it. The bill now heads to the Senate.
House HB 423 Final Vote
Update: The bill has failed in the Senate.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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