Alabama Medical Marijuana Bill Could Die At The Hands of Rep. Paul Lee

Bad news for medical marijuana in Alabama.
An update today from the Facebook page of Carly’s Law shows that the CARE Act is being held up in Committee, possibly an attempt by State Rep. Paul Lee (R-Dothan) to prevent the bill from having enough time to be debated on the House floor this session.
“Unfortunately, the public hearing will not be next week,” Chandler said. [I]t’s rumored it will be held on May 29th which is too late”.
Chandler goes on to say that he predicts the session will end around June 1st which would leave very little time to have a vote within the Committee and on the House floor.
He called the move by Lee “typical stall tactics”.
The CARE Act passed the Senate just over a week ago with no vote to spare, 17-6. It has quite a number of cosponsors in the House as well, including the Speaker of the House Mac McCutcheon (R-Monvrovia).
You can view the original Facebook post here.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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