Alabama SB 61 Allows You To Rescue Animals In Locked Cars
Alabama State Senator Del Marsh has animals in mind with Alabama SB 61. The bill would essentially allow for a person who believes an animal is in imminent danger of suffering bodily harm to remove the animal from the vehicle and avoid facing any liability for property damage or injury under certain circumstances.
The bill states that a person is immune from liability for property damage or injury that results from his or her forcible entry into a motor vehicle if all of the following occur:
- The actor knows a domestic animal is present in a motor vehicle and the actor has a good faith belief that the domestic animal is in imminent danger of suffering bodily harm unless the domestic animal is removed from the motor vehicle.
- The actor determines that the motor vehicle is locked and that forcible entry is necessary to enable the domestic animal to exit or be removed from the motor vehicle.
- The actor contacts law enforcement, emergency medical services, or animal control before the actor forcibly enters the motor vehicle.
- The actor remains with the domestic animal until a law enforcement officer, emergency medical service provider, animal control officer, or other first responder arrives at the scene.
- The actor uses no more force than he or she reasonably believes necessary to allow the domestic animal to exit or be removed from the motor vehicle.
The bill will have to wait until at least March 19th for the Regular Session to resume. For or against this bill? Visit this page, type your zip code and then let your Representatives know!
Update: A similar bill, SB 262, has also been filed by Jimmy Holley.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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