Alabama House Democrats to Unveil “Plan for Prosperity”

Alabama House Democrats will unveil their 2023 Legislative Agenda “Plan for Prosperity” in a press conference scheduled for March 6, 2023, at 11 AM CST. The press conference will be held virtually and in-person in the State House Press Room.
The “Plan for Prosperity” is the result of listening to the constituents, according to Alabama House Democratic Caucus Chair Barbara Drummond (D-Mobile). It is a plan of action that builds on pro-growth, pro-innovation, and pro-Alabama policies. The goal is to set Alabama on a path towards long-term prosperity.
The press conference will feature several Alabama House Democratic representatives, including Anthony Daniels (D-Madison), Mary Moore (D-Jefferson), Phillip Ensler (D-Montgomery), Prince Chestnut (D-Perry), Laura Hall (D-Madison), and Kenyatte Hassell (D-Montgomery). The topics of the agenda will include economic growth, education innovation, affordable healthcare, voting rights, and justice for all.
The press conference will be live-streamed on Facebook, and the Zoom link and phone numbers for dial-in will also be provided. Interested members of the public are welcome to attend the event virtually or in-person.
Zoom Information
Topic: AHDC Agenda Release Press Conference
Time: Mar 6, 2023 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: 549695
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Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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